The TU Dortmund has just published their own homepage about it.
Check out the official homepage 'RUHR.2010' in English here -
with information about projects, dates and more.
picture and text from RUHR.2010
One part of our project was 'Kultur in Dortmund'
- here are links to the other results:

* Twins 2010 - key project of the initiative 'RUHR.2010'
--> development of a European cultural network
* Parks in Dortmund
* Hanging Around in Dortmund
* Biking Tour - including the Mountain Bike Arena in the picture to the right
* a podcast project Kultur 2010 0002
Other interesting links about Dortmund:
Check out the Tourist Information or the English version, the official Dortmund city information system, online!
Here you can get many information about e.g. culture, sports, leisure and science and research in Dortmund.
Some specific examples of what you could do:
Tours in Dortmund
"Go on a discovery tour of Dortmund and the Ruhr District - interesting and exciting things are waiting to be explored around every corner. Specially for groups, we have arranged tours which will show you Dortmund and the Ruhr District in all its diversity. Let us know when you are coming, and we will organise your tour.
The DORTMUNDtourismus also offers guided walks and tours on fixed days. These are ideal for the individual traveller."
So if you cannot find a big enough group, check here for fixed dates.
Maybe this one?
The Dortmund Experience
"Discover the highlights of Dortmund by coach. You will see,for example, the largest canal port in Europe, the Borsigplatz - birthplace of the football club Borussia Dortmund -, and the Hohensyburg Casino. Use the break at Syburg for a stroll or have a coffee in one of the many cafés. Afterwards we will show you the Technology Park, the University, the Westfalenhallen, the football stadium and the "Florian" television tower. A visit to the Town Hall will end this tour."
Or this one?
Maybe you want an eventful day?
How about a...
...Brewery Visit with a 'Beer Test'?
"This is a lot of fun for groups (minimum of 10 people): first you are shown round the small brewery, then you take the "Beer test" and after that you will regain your strength with a typical brewers meal.
The master brewer will welcome you and give an introductory talk;
you will taste two types of beer; take the "Beer Test" - with a prize for the winner; two glasses (0,3 l) of beer straight from the barrel with the meal and a "Hopfen-Tropf" Schnapps to finish."
... trip From Pedal to Paddle
"Discover the most beautiful parts of the Ruhr Valley. You will cycle along the idyllic and meandering route of the "Ruhr Walking Trail" to the banks of the River Ruhr. After a short induction course the trip will start, and the experienced tour guides will not only show you the right paddling techniques but will also talk about all the sights you will pass along the way.
Canoeing equipment, bicycles, tour guide, induction course, drink during the break"
Also helpful are links to the general points of interest and to further information, which for instance include:
- City map Dortmund
- Fly Dortmund - Citymap - Cityguide
--> just download the audio files, copy them to your mp3 device,
and walk through the city with your personal guide :D
- Sigts and tours
- 360 degree panorama
- Monuments
- Zoo
- 'Floriantturm' TV tower in Dortmund
- Local radio 91.2
- Internetcafés
- 'Was ist wo' in Dortmund
- Rhino-Souvenir
- Mailpostcards from Dortmund
- Dortmund's Online Quiz
- Public bathrooms in Dortmund
- Chronics of Dortmund
- WLAN Hotspots in Dortmund
entry by Anna Schmitter