With its selection of more than 60 kinds of sport and about 150 courses for 30,000 students and employees, the sports association presents a large program with an optimal combination of sport-specific and health-oriented courses, fitness courses and fun with free sports activities and competitive sport.
Use the extensive offer and make your semester more active. For further information please contact the AHS as part of the Department for Student Service."
(taken from TU Dortmund homepage)
The program of sport courses is available at the AHS homepage.
It has a broad variety and most of the offered courses won't cost you anything more than the semester fee of 10€ (with the exception of e.g. climbing or tennis). With the semester ticket you can go to as many courses as you want to.
Annually, the AHS (Allgemeiner Hochschulsport) organizes various events, such as for instance the Campus Run.
Here are some pictures from this year's Campus Run

The road will be blocked and the run goes through the Campus in a big circle.
You can also see, that the soccer stadium "Signal Iduna Park" is very close to the University.
The Campus Run always starts with the walkers.
One team of contestants: The Chemistry department is on the run.
Although it is an annaul event, people still haven't figured out that they should park their car elsewhere. It is fun to watch dozens of cars being towed away every year :D
entry by Anna Schmitter
entry by Anna Schmitter
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