We are students at the TU Dortmund University.
The main homepage of this project - presenting the city Dortmund, the TU Dortmund as well as culture in Dortmund - is here.
In order to find out more about study opportunities and other official information please go to the University's homepage - this is the link for international access in English.
You should definitely check out this link, as the homepage is specifically for international students and includes detailed information about the University itself and what you can study.
Here is just a sneak peak about some numbers and figures of the TU Dortmund in German (click on the pics to get it big):

The purpose of this blog is mainly to present to you extra information about what life at the TU Dortmund includes.
We will show you a lot of pictures on and off campus, the student accomodations and other interesting things for anyone who is interested in studying abroad at Dortmund.
We have also included interviews with international students about their experiences in Dortmund!
A first guide for all new students to the TU Dortmund is provided in German by the ZIB (centre for information and consultation). It includes information about all the things new students wonder about, such as "Where can I go to print out my essays or readers?"
If you have no clue about Germany in general, here is a link to a pdf file about Germany. If you want to have the complete pptx file presentation (includes small videos), click here [currently not uploaded].
Please take note that the University's homepage has a section on Campus Life as well!
It includes:
* Student Service
* Living
* The Refectories
* University Sport
* Associations
* Campus Media
* Campus Festival
If you are interested in current information about what the rectorate is up to, what research the TU Dortmund is involved in and more, you can check out the monthly info-letter by the rectorate here.
entry by Anna Schmitter
entry by Anna Schmitter
The official English name of the TU should be Dortmund University of Technology, I'd say. Good start apart from that!
Thanks, changed it :D