Every faculty has its own parties every semester!!!

Although most parties include DJs, beer, occasionally even something to eat (in summer mainly barbeque sausages etc.) it can also include 'kicker' tournaments (what you might refer to as 'table soccer') and with the computer science parties it always includes karaoke, cocktails and guitar hero.
Here are some pics from last years engineering party - all of them are international students.
In this case: USA, France, Turkey and Czech Republic

The biggest party on Campus is definitely CAMPUS TOTAL!
Every semester the Student Service organizes this amazing concert on both North and South Campus. Eight different musical areas and over 20 DJs and bands for only 5 or 6€.
Various live-areas from House and R´n´B, over Classics and Charts to Funk and Rock – all colours of music can be found. In addition there is "Uni Rocks!" – the newcomer stage on the South Campus, which brings bands from all over the state to Dortmund and hence offers a stage to especially young bands...
More information about the summer edition 2009 of Campus Total is here.
If you want to read up on the winter edition 2008:
the Ruhr Nachrichten published an interesting article online.
They also have photo galleries online: one, two and another photo gallery is at chroniknet.de.
entry by Anna Schmitter
entry by Anna Schmitter
vielen Danke ... Ich hoffe, dass weitere Themen :)
AntwortenLöschenvielen Danke .. Zum Thema, ich hoffe, mehr anzeigen .. :)