(information taken from TU Dortmund homepage)
Student Bodies of Faculties
The faculty student associations at TU Dortmund have been established by students for students. If you don’t know how to put together your class schedule, if you are puzzled about which seminar is graded with which certificate, or if you have problems with your lecturers and a talk with them did not help: the student associations can help. Every faculty has its own "Fachschaft" and their office is mostly right next to where classes take place.
Here is a list of the Student Associations (German)
The AStA (Allgemeiner Studierendenausschuss / general students’ committee) represents the students in the university and therefore is something like the student „government“. Representatives are elected by the student parliament. There is one chairman as well as consultants for different areas of responsibility like culture, sports and social affairs.
Besides representing the students of the TU Dortmund the AStA offers a series of service features like, for example, legal and social advice, housing and job agencies as well as cheap copy facilities.
Homepage AStA (German)
A few other Student Associations - which are maybe not as big as the two afore mentioned, but nevertheless interesting.
If you are interested in music you might want to join these:
* Chamber Choir of the TU Dortmund (German)
* Symphonic Brass Orchestra Dortmund (German)
* UniversityChoir (German)
* University Orchestra
* Jazz Choir
* Gospel Choir
Just recently there was a concert by the Student Orchestra:

or how about Lion King?
or maybe Star Wars?
TU Dortmund has several campus media which are partly produced by the university and partly by the students themselves. They range from university print publications to a radio station and campus newspapers through to a weekly television broadcast in the student program of the Dortmund public broadcasting channel “florian tv.”
(taken from the TU Dortmund homepage)

So, if you are interested in journalism, maybe you want to join one of these Campus media:
* >>Mundo<< - The Magazine
* >>Indopendent<< - The Student Newspaper
* >>do1<< - Universal Television
* >>Unizet<< - The Monthly Publication
* >>Eldoradio<< - The Campus Radio
* >>Media Monitor<< - The Online Magazine
If you are interested in films - or just want to watch the latest cinema films:
* UFC: University Film Club (German)
entry by Anna Schmitter
entry by Anna Schmitter
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